Our Score: 9.8

These days, finding yourself a significant other can be, well… Tricky. Online dating sites are a great way to go about it, but even these platforms require some prior research - if you don’t put in the time to learn which platform suits you best, you’ll end up looking for a girlfriend on Grindr. Worry not, however - Elite Singles reviews are here to help.

As you might have deduced from the name of the dating site, Elite Singles specializes in getting professionals together. It’s not really a site for anyone who’s looking to just play around - the vast majority of people who join the platform are over 30 years of age, are well-educated and successful in their lives.

Sounds interesting? Well, if these criteria describe you pretty accurately, read on through the review of Elite Singles and check the dating site out - maybe it’s the right one for you?

User Count
  • Nearly 400,000
Dominating Age Group
  • Over 30
Dominating Gender
  • Female
  • Yes

TL;DR: Elite Singles is a dating platform aimed at well-educated, successful people. The majority of the site’s users are over 30, have successful careers and are looking for someone just like that to be their SO. While user Elite Singles reviews will tell you that the app is horrendous, the platform is actually one of the more popular alternatives for anyone interested in online dating.


  • Educated individuals
  • More than 400,000 users per month
  • Female-dominated
  • LGBT-friendly


  • Very pricey
  • Very poor mobile app design
  • Lacks freedom of choice for the user

Elite Singles Reviews: PROS

While various dating sites do have their own pros and cons, your experience does heavily depend on whether or not you’ve “fit the crowd” that might be attracted to one or another of these sites. Most commonly, this should be the first thing you figure out - Elite Singles reviews are no exception.

We’ll start off by discussing the actual target audience of the dating site in question.

Target Audience: Well-Educated Professionals Over 30

No matter if you go around reading user Elite Singles reviews left online, go to the brand’s official website or see an ad while browsing online, these three points are always going to be at the forefront of the dating site in question - Elite Singles is aimed at well-educated people who are already in their 30s, and want stable, long-term relationships.

First up, let’s tackle the “well-educated professional” part. A well-educated user of the platform is going to possess some sort of a university degree, be it of an Undergraduate or Graduate level.

Now, you can surely be “well-educated” without a university diploma, too, but multiple user Elite Singles reviews will tell you that people tend to get a bit snarky on the platform - that “Graduated from: School of Life” tag on your Facebook profile ain’t gonna cut it.

Now, as far as the “professional” part is concerned, it’s actually pretty self-explanatory, too - reading through Elite Singles reviews, it becomes evident that the site is mostly used by people who have managed to perfect their knowledge into a craft, and are now using it to build successful careers for themselves.

Fun fact: Over 80% of Elite Singles users are university educated, and over 90% of users are above 30 years of age!

Age is a big factor here, too. 9 out of 10 people on the site are above 30 years in age - when the site has nearly 400,000 new members every single month, that sure does add up to be a huge amount of 30-and-older folk! Sure, 4 out of 5 people are prone to twisting and bending some of the numbers on their profiles[1] (age included), but the site promises that it does check each individual user.

Speaking of which…

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Good Quality Control Leads to Huge Popularity

You know what’s really effed-up?

One word - bots.

Goddamn bots.

Bots are everywhere. If you can think of an online niche, there will surely be some botting going on within it. Some bots are utilized by people who are actually trying to satisfy a NEED (i.e. Venezualian online game bots that farm the game gold and then sell it for real-world money), while others are a bit more sinister - this is where dating site bots come in.

Whether they’d want your money, your wealth or your cash (yes, I did that on purpose), dating site bots are advanced programs that, if you’ve never dealt with them before, can make you feel like you’re actually speaking to a real person. They’re super-annoying, and are a complete waste of time.

So… Why am I telling you this in a review of Elite Singles?

Simple - because other user Elite Singles reviews note that the platform in question is actually pretty good at dealing with both bots, and with fake users, too.

No one wants to get tricked online - this is especially true when it comes to dating and finding yourself a significant other. Elite Singles claims to manually verify each and every profile that’s created on their site, and to then also provide daily profile checks to make sure everything is in order.

With a reputation like that, it’s no wonder that the site attracts a significant user base, too. As noted earlier, the platform sees nearly 400,000 new users on a monthly basis - that’s nothing to scoff at! On top of that, Elite Singles is actually one of those really rare dating platforms that are female-dominated!

The female / male ratio on the platform sways to be around 55% / 45%, depending on the specific point in time, of course. The fact of just how surprising this is can be seen by multiple user Elite Singles reviews - since most dating sites are dominated by men, it can be really difficult to find a female partner. Not an issue that you’d have with Elite Singles, though!

Multi-Racial, LGBT-Friendly

Remember when I said that it’s important to check out the theme of each individual dating platform before going on and actually registering? Well, on top of having a specific theme (i.e. Elite Singles - educated people in their 30s), a dating site might also be exclusive to some specific sexual orientations or race preferences.

The earlier-mentioned example with Grindr fits here pretty well. If you’re a straight man who’s looking for a long-term girlfriend, Grindr might not be the platform to go to. Frankly, I’m not really sure how you’d end up there, since it’s kind of, well… In your face, if you know what I mean. Still, though, stranger things have happened.

Racial preferences are also a thing. There are platforms that are exclusive to African-American people, Hispanic people, Asian people, caucasian peopleYou get the idea.

All of that being said, this is - yet again - not something that you’d need to worry about while reading through user Elite Singles reviews. Elite Singles is a universal platform, as far as race goes - there are no “preferences”, and no matter your skin color, there will be dating options available to you.

Elite Singles is also very LGBT-friendly. The platform even has a separate LGBT-oriented section - that’s rare! There are some dating sites that still discriminate against these types of people, even though the bigger part of the civilized world has become much more progressive in this sense. It’s cool to know that this is not an issue with Elite Singles!

In-Depth Registration Process, Easy to Navigate and Use

Now that we’ve got all of the “preferences” and “themes” out of the way, before talking about the more negative sides of the platform and the Elite Singles costs, let’s discuss the actual usability aspects of the site.

Truth be told, Elite Singles is actually pretty straightforward when it comes to its usability. The sign-up process itself is very quick - after that, the registration is… Well, it’s far from being quick, but it surely is in-depth.

After registering, you’ll be faced with a personality test. What you’ll quickly come to learn that this is no simple, cheap 3-minute dating site personality test - on the contrary, finishing this test can take users anywhere from 45 minutes up to 2 hours! While it does sound a bit drastic, user Elite Singles reviews note that you’ll be able to present yourself in a very specific manner - on a site like that, it’s a great feature!

After all of the registration and sign-ups are finished, the site itself is simple and easy to navigate. User profiles are presented in an interactive fashion, yet the entirety of the platform doesn’t require any form of special knowledge in the field of IT in order to understand and work your way through.

Messaging is also pretty simple - you can do so via a person’s profile, but you do have to be a paid customer to access this feature.

Also, it’s worth pointing out that, when it comes to user Elite Singles reviews that talk about the effectiveness of the before-mentioned personality test, it would seem just under 3000 people find each other every single month. That’s pretty decent, considering the size of the dating site!

Elite Singles Reviews: CONS

Now that we’ve gotten all of the positive Elite Singles reviews and user feedback out of the way, it’s important to stress some of the more prominent issues that people seem to have with the platform in question.

Naturally, no platform is going to be ideal - that’s pretty obvious. But there are some specific features that are more important than others (i.e. the Elite Singles cost). Whatever the case might be, when it comes to the dating platform in question, it would seem that one of the more interesting features that it offers is actually one that some users aren’t too fond of, either.

The Personality Test Can Get Tedious for Some

Earlier on in the review, I’ve emphasized the fact that the personality test that you need to take when registering with Elite Singles is quite extensive. While this is usually considered to be a nice addition to the platform and a sign that it takes its users pretty seriously, it does also appear to be quite tedious for some of its visitors.

Online, you’d find multiple user Elite Singles reviews that are rather unsatisfied with how the platform deals with the test in question. People note that it can get pretty vain, and that it resembles a visit to the psychiatrist more than a registration process on a dating site.

Now, that being the case, there’s actually a quite simple reason why many people feel this way. Naturally, there are more reasons than one - that said, there’s still one that stands out of the rest. That reason is intent.

It would appear that users who leave less-than-positive online Elite Singles reviews in regards to the personality test are those that are often simply looking for a hook-up, and not a long-term, stable relationship. Of course, this isn’t the case with everyone, but it’s a trend that’s quite noticeable.

If you’re ready to commit to a relationship, you’d probably want to find a partner as soon as possible - even more important than that, you’d want to find THE RIGHT partner. Doing so is much simpler when you narrow down the search criteria as much as possible - the aforementioned test allows you to do just that.

Lack of Freedom of Choice

OK, I’ll admit, this title sounds a bit ironic given what we’ve discussed above, but hear me out.

After you set up your profile, Elite Singles helps you find the right match for yourself - basically, the site’s algorithm analyzes your aforementioned test results and finds you a match. While that’s quite convenient, it does pose an issue, too - a lack of choice on your end.

Going through user Elite Singles reviews, you might notice a common trend when it comes to this specific aspect of the platform - multiple people point out that the dating site is aimed at the moreoccupiedpeople who don’t have time to sort through thousands of profiles in order to find a good match for them. I concur - from my own, personal experience with the site, it does appear to invoke such sentiments.


Get it? Because the website is named “ELITE Singles”?

Jokes aside, the name of the platform does appear to represent the general crowd that gathers here - there are multiple user complaints that a huge number of people that use the dating platform have some very elitist tendencies, and are thus quite difficult to both communicate with, and to satisfy.

How is this the fault of the platform, you may ask? Well, that’s a fair question - in essence, it may appear that it’s not. Furthermore, that is actually the type of crowd that Elite Singles is trying to attract, right?

In short, yes. That said, this issue is still damaging to the site’s longevity - if all of the users of Elite Singles are snarky, judgemental snobs, there will soon be no new registrations left - no one will want to deal with a platform like that!

Naturally, I probably don’t need to tell you that not everyone who uses Elite Singles is like that - it’s just a pretty common trend. This is a con mostly because there are claims that the company has “done it themselves” by creating a very ego-centered environment, marketing itself as an “elite” platform for “well-educated and successful individuals”, and with the extensive, ego-catering personality test.

There is an app, but It’s Horrendous

In these, modern times, mobile dating apps are the way to go. While many dating sites still rely on, well… Being primarily website-based, more and more companies are understanding the importance of providing customers some amazing app-centered experiences. Questions such as “is Elite Singles free?” and “does Elite Singles have an app?” are among the most popular ones online!

So, ya - Elite Singles does have an app. It would be better if they didn’t, though.

On the Google Play store, the app has garnered more than 9000 user reviews, with the overall rating being a 2,5 out of 5. The most common rating given to the app is a 1.

I can’t stress this enough - users DESPISE the app. You’d find complaints about everything from the functionality aspect of it, all the way to the lack of usability, unresponsiveness, automated matchmaking, and so on.

If you want some advice, take it from the users themselves - avoid the app at all costs. It’s a shame, really - while the company might pride themselves on “elitism”, their app is surely the opposite.

My Personal Experience With Elite Singles

My own, personal experience with Elite Singles was actually rather favorable. Unlike many users of the site, I did not come across any “snobby, stuck-up” people - all the women I’ve talked to were sophisticated, and actually rather nice.

That’s the main thing worth pointing out there, too - while Elite Singles does receive a lot of criticism based on the fact that it’s a platform almost exclusively for “successful people”, I myself couldn’t really feel the “elitism” part. On the contrary, the women I got matched with were very nice and would get involved in extensive debates with me.

Although, I must admit - the age thing is a fair point. I’m not exactly 30 years old myself, and as soon as my match could find this out, they would (most of the time) kindly turn me down stating that they are searching for a “more experienced partner”.

Fair enough, I guess.


Finally, let’s discuss the Elite Singles cost. To tell you the truth, while this section is a separate one entirely, I had to resist a very strong urge to throw it together with the cons. Actually, it might as well be at the top - let me tell you why.

When you go to register on Elite Singles, you’ll notice that the registration process is “free”. You can’t miss it - it’s advertised as such practically everywhere. This is why people ask “is Elite singles free?” so frequently, too.

Upon registering, you’ll have to take the test - fair enough. However, right after you finish that test, you’re met with a paywall - pay up, or miss out on practically every single decent feature that the platform has to offer.

The issue here is that you’ve just spent the better part of an hour (or more) taking that goddamn test, so of course you’re going to be obliged to pay, even if you thought the platform itself is free to use - no one wants to have spent all that time for nothing! Sure, I could use the limited functionality of the site without paying, but it's literally just TOO limited.

My main gripe, however, isn’t even with the way that the payment is dealt with - it’s with the actual payment itself. Take a look at the Elite Singles costs:

If your first reaction is to gasp out a silent “What the...”, congratulations - you have a pretty good understanding of the term “expensive”.

Now, look - I’m not going to sit here and act pretentious about the prices. Elite Singles has no issues expressing their position on the matter - it’s a platform for successful people, and successful people have money to spend on a dating site like this. I get it.

For your average individual who might have wanted to try the site out, though, it’s an instantaneous turn-off (no pun intended). No one is going to want to pay such blasphemous amounts of money only to try the website out - it’s just a hit or miss for Elite Singles.

If there’s one redeeming quality that I could extract from a pricing plan like that, however, it would have to do with the earlier-discussed bots and fake accounts - who in their right mind would want to pay $30 bucks per month just to run a bot on Elite Singles? Their legitimacy on the matter makes even more sense now.

So, to sum it up, the free version of the site will allow you to upload some photos of yourself, receive some partner suggestions, send smiles and hearts to other users and access your test results. If you pay up, however, only then will you be able to access messaging, viewing other profiles, and so on.

Here is The Best Elite Singles Offer I Found:


Right, so - what’s the verdict here?

In all actuality, it’s pretty simple - if you’re a well-educated individual in their 30s, have a higher education degree and work a successful job, and you’re on the look-out for a stable, long-term relationship - sure, user Elite Singles reviews might encourage you to try the platform out.

Well, that’s assuming that you have the funds to do so, since the question “is Elite Singles free?” simply won’t fly with the website.

If there’s one thing that you should take away from this review of Elite Singles, however, is that the platform is very clear and strictly themed - if you don’t fall into the framework of that theme, you might end up disappointed in the very end.

All of that being said, I hope that this review did help you make up your mind on the matter. Good luck!

Scientific References

1. Stephanie Rosenbloom: 'Love, Lies and What They Learned'

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Recent Elite Singles User Reviews

4.8/5.0 - Elite Singles User

A little outdated design

The website and the app feels a little outdated. However I m pretty much positive about other aspects

Ease of Use
5.0/5.0 - Elite Singles User

-Two week experience-

I have started using their app two weeks ago. So far I received around 100 messages and likes. People, there are so lovely and nice, really! I hope I can find someone special very soon. Thanks!

Ease of Use
5.0/5.0 - Elite Singles User


Always plenty of matches every day. This is what i was looking for.

Ease of Use
5.0/5.0 - Elite Singles User

Highly recommend this app

One and only app with guaranteed 90% real people.

Ease of Use
5.0/5.0 - Elite Singles User


\Worth the time and money/ But should be careful of catfishing cuz some people using old photos or change their age.

Ease of Use


Is Elite Singles a good online dating platform?

In short, yes - user Elite Singles reviews will second this notion. While the platform isn't going to be for everyone, if you fit the specific criteria (i.e. are over 30, have a successful career, are well-educated), Elite Singles will surely help you get into contact with likeminded people, and find a stable, long-term relationship. It's surely a platform worth checking out!

Is Elite Singles free to use?

No, Elite Singles isn't free. There is a "free version" available to be used, but it's very limited - all that you can do with a free profile is view your personality test results, send smiles and hearts to other users, upload photos, and a couple of other, rather minimal features. If you want to message people or view their profiles, you'll have to purchase one of the premium plans.

How to know if Elite Singles is a good dating site for me?

The core concept behind Elite Singles is that it's used by people who have a university degree, and are successful in what they do. If you fall into this group of people, you might find the platform to be a good alternative. Bonus points if you're over 30 years old - that's the main dominating demographic on the site.

What are the pricing options for Elite Singles?

Elite Singles costs are $22,95, $32,95 and $34,95 per month. It's surely one of the most expensive online dating platforms out there, but many users do point out that the prices are well worth the overall experience that you'd receive. Each of the three different plans are going to provide you with some different, additional features on the platform.

What are some of the more notable perks of Elite Singles?

The platform is relatively free of bots, and there are few "fake" accounts - that's mostly due to the pricing. The site itself attracts successful people, and seeing that most of them are going to be well-educated, you're bound to make some lasting connections. Elite Singles is also simple to use and navigate, and has a rather successful matchmaking system.

Does Elite Singles have a mobile app?

Yes. That being said, the vast majority of the app's users would tell you to stick with the online, website-based version of the platform - the app has a lot of negative aspects to it, and there's an overwhelming amount of negative Elite Singles reviews directed towards it.